Lunch with the niece
Dave Smith wrote:
>> I'm thinking you went into this with a bad attitude and it became a
>> self-fulfilling prophesy.
> Quite right. After all the years of knowing her and not liking her, I
> was not thrilled about taking them to a restaurant, knowing that a human
> sized meal would not be enough and that they would order extra side
> dishes,extra drinks etc. Perhaps I should add that this is the one who
> won a million bucks in a lottery and her version of spreading the joy of
> her windfall was to buy my wife a china coffee mug. She also told her
> brother to go out and pick out a car and she would help him with it, and
> when she finally gave him a check it was for $400.
> However, I have to admit that it was not quite as bad as I had expected,
> and I know that it is not likely to happen again.
OK... I get it. You did it to keep peace in the family. Sometimes
observing the social graces can be a pain in the ass but we all go
through it sooner or later.
All in all, if your wife is happy and you have done your family
obligations, then $150 wasn't too bad a price to pay.... and you got
another story out of it to add to the "Legend of BN".
George L