Crisping Up Pickled Veggies
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 12:36:56 -0800, Mark Thorson >
>Sqwertz wrote:
>> They're too soft and mushy, except for the tomatoes, which are my
>> least favorite. Is there any way to crisp them back up? Would
>> Pickle Crisp or alum work after the fact?
>I don't know if this would work, but soaking in
>pure water might help. Pickled vegetables have
>a lot of salt, and the water should tend to be
>drawn into the vegetables to dilute that salt.
>That might make them crispier.
Save the gallon jar and next time pickle ones own veggies, to whatever
degree and flavor one wants... will be a much better product and will
probably cost less too because much of the price of store bought is
in that jar.