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Damaeus[_2_] Damaeus[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 264
Default Legislation Banning Salt in Food in New York City

In, Omelet > posted on Sun, 14
Mar 2010 21:45:22 -0600 the following:

> Dad made a "precognitive" phone call about Obama to the CIA. I got a
> phone call 3 days later from the SS. Surprisingly, they were courteous
> enough to make an actual appt. with us (and they were on time) so I had
> a chance to tidy up the living room and make sure that dad had clean
> clothes on... Dad is elderly and a bit, um, "eccentric".
> Supposedly, Obama is supposed to be assassinated on April 1st. 2012. I'd
> been listening to that rant for months. I got a visit from the local
> cops too when he called them and told them the same story.

I wonder if he was of the mind to realize that April 1 is April Fool's
day. Or maybe in his mind, he concluded that April 1 is the perfect date
because people would first assume it must be a joke, being on April 1st.

> There are challenges associated with caring for an elderly parent, but
> dad is half crippled and incapable of even going out any more, so he is
> no threat. The Secret Service came to the same conclusion after
> interviewing him... He also has severe short term memory loss. I make
> sure he eats and takes his meds, and stays clean.

I keep myself under voluntary house arrest most of the time, because right
now, I don't actually enjoy being around people all that much. I see
society as being in a state of change, and to me, it's like watching a
woman give birth...kind of unpleasant, but still it can be interesting to
watch it play out on live television. Yes, there's a difference to me
between watching TV in these three situations:

1. Live TV, being aired as it happens

2. Live TV airing a program that has been recorded

3. TV shows I've recorded on the DVR.

When I watch the shows, I make a note of which situation I'm in when
watching the program. It concerns the idea of how, or if, we are all
connected to each other by a medium. I'm not claiming to know the answer,
but I suspect we are connected to each other, so watching a live program,
I take into account that others are seeing what I'm seeing, at the same
time. I even take into account in my mind the fact that there's a delay
between when it actually happens, and when I see it, both a transmission
delay, and the delay from when the signal comes into my satellite
receiver, is recorded to the hard drive, then played onto the TV screen. I
take into account that some people don't have DVRs, so they see the TV
signal a second or two before I do. Plus there are people seeing it live.
All this creates a "fuzzy wave" of realization for me, of sharing the same
experience others are having. Sometimes when a big idea hits the screen,
I can actually feel the realization hit the minds of the masses. At the
same time, I also consider that just my imagining such a thing happening
can make me feel like it actually is happening, whether it actually is or
not. I feel happening what I think is happening because it really
is happening that way? Or do I feel it just because I expect that it
probably should be that way? How do I know for sure? Therein comes the
experimentation part of the experience of life...figuring out how it all
fits together. Marijuana helps with that, and that's why I think the
relegalization of it will lead to a new "era" of accelerated human
development. That this would be made a crime by today's government is
just a sign of how primitive the thinking on this really is. They still
think marijuana makes people crazy, or they use it as an excuse to keep it

Yours was a wild story. Glad it turned out okay.
