Just Joined
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010 11:26:55 -0700, Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> "gloria.p" > wrote:
>> idugall wrote:
>>> Hey! I just joined this group and wanted to let everyone know -
>>> looking forward to hearing interesting things about cooking!
>> Be prepared to learn as much or more about group members as you do about
>> cooking. If you're OK with that, welcome aboard.
> Send the cabal (TINC) a cashier's check for US$50.00 made out to "cash"
> (you can just send it to my Email address and I'll make sure they get
> it) and they'll send you all the inside scoop on Gloria. You wouldn't
> believe some of the stuff they have on her!
are there pictures?
your pal,