Dang bird!
Nancy2 wrote:
> On Mar 15, 10:31 am, "gloria.p" > wrote:
>> The past week we have had the return of the flickers.
>> Every morning for an hour or two we have a big male flicker (woodpecker)
>> drumming on the metal rooftop cap to our water heater. It sounds like a
>> distant jackhammer in three to four second blasts. The sound gets
>> annoying over time. There has also been a female poking around in the
>> lawn at the same time.
>> Spring is coming! (HAH, we had a dusting of snow on the grass this
>> morning with another 8 weeks of possible snowstorms.)
>> gloria p
> Woodpeckers drum on trees to drive out insects they can eat; I wonder
> what reward they get from drumming on metal? Maybe there are little
> bugs somewhere that get vibrated out....
> N.
I think the bird thinks it's a mating call.
gloria p