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Virginia Tadrzynski[_2_] Virginia Tadrzynski[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 564
Default Doctors Want Hot Dogs Redesigned to Prevent Choking in Children

"Virginia Tadrzynski" > wrote in message
> "notbob" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 2010-03-15, Damaeus > wrote:
>>> MONDAY, Feb. 22 (HealthDay News) -- The leading
>>> group of pediatricians in the United States is
>>> pushing for a redesign of common foods such as hot
>>> dogs and candies.......

>> This is waaaay beyond stupid. They gonna demand redesign of the
>> banana, the almond, the grape? What we need is a redesign of the
>> medical establishment.
>> nb

> couldn't agree more. The problem is with parents who toss food in the
> general direction of their children and go back to
> facebook/email/soaps/videogames etc. THAT is why the kids choke. Cut up
> the doggies into smaller pieces or if the child is old enough to want to
> eat it whole....STAY WITH THE CHILD while they eat. Shouldn't take a
> rocket scientist to figure this one out.
> -ginny

I babysit the grandbabies 2-3 days a week. The older of the two I watch is
just turning 2. Picky eater, but Gramma is trying to change that. Lucas
has recently discovered hot dogs and ramen noodles. The hot dogs he wants
in 'hot dog' shape. Holding it in his hot little hand and knawing off the
top. I sit with him and talk to him, encouraging little bites and
chewing......NEVER is he left alone with the hot dog. The only time he
choked up on something was when he shoved half the bowl of ramen in his
mouth. All it took was one time, he was snatched up, hung upside down and
back thumped until the offending noodles were lodged across the kitchen.
Needless to say, Lucas chews his food now. Was it the noodles' fault? No,
just that too much was shoved into too little a space. Blockage dislodged,
back to lunch. My question is this, what would have happened if he was left
to his own devices? If you give your child ANYTHING to eat and leave him/her
alone and they's YOUR fault. Not the food item. YOURS.

(Gramma is making homemade mac and cheese tonight for Little Man's lunch
tomorrow.....we (I mean I) are teaching him that the box stuff is yuck but
Gramma's is good eats).