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George Leppla George Leppla is offline
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Default BBQ Rules For 2010 Season.....

Bigbazza wrote:
> You are about to enter the BBQ season, you good folks in the Northern
> parts of God's earth, Therefore it is important to refresh your memory
> on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking activity.

Might be the way it goes in your house and that probably says a lot
about you.

We had ribs tonight... cole slaw and rice pilaf on the side.

We both go shopping together.

I defrosted the ribs and gave them the dry rub treatment.

She made the cole slaw.

I did my semi-annual grill clean-up including grates, burners, etc.
Decided to order new burners and placed the order online. Fired up the
grill and cooked the ribs 1/2 hour on each side.

I transferred the ribs to a baking pan and baked at 325 for another hour.

She heated up some leftover Rice Pilaf.

We both set the table.... I cut the ribs, she served the sides.

After we were done, we both cleared the table, rinsed the dishes and
loaded the dish washer.

I put the cover back on the grill.... and we are both back in the office
for a short while.

And depending on what we are having for dinner, that is pretty much the
way it happens here every night.

I know the original post was meant to be funny, but I get pretty tired
of seeing men portrayed as mindless idiots.... especially when it comes
to doing their share of the cooking/chores around the house.

If my knuckles are ever dragging on the ground it is because I'm tired,
not because I am a Neanderthal. <vbg>

George L