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Doctors Want Hot Dogs Redesigned to Prevent Choking in Children
"Damaeus" > wrote in message
> MONDAY, Feb. 22 (HealthDay News) -- The leading
> group of pediatricians in the United States is
> pushing for a redesign of common foods such as hot
> dogs and candies, along with new warning labels
> placed on food packaging, to help curb sometimes
> fatal incidents of child choking.
> "We know what shape, sizes and consistencies pose
> the greatest risk for choking in children and
> whenever possible food manufacturers should design
> foods to avoid those characteristics, or redesign
> existing foods when possible, to change those
> characteristics to reduce the choking risk," said
> Dr. Gary Smith, immediate-past chairman of the
> American Academy of Pediatrics' Committee on
> Injury, Violence and Poison Prevention and lead
> author of the organization's new policy statement
> on preventing choking.
> hoking
> Okay, how practical is a redesign of the hot dog? How important is it
> that anybody who takes a big bite out of a hot dog dripping with chili
> looks like a shameless whore while doing it?
> Maybe I've been getting the wrong hot dog buns, but when I pull a bun
> apart to drop a hot dog into it, the connecting bread between the two
> halves is often so thin that it won't hold together, so I end up with a
> weenie rolling around on a plate between two pieces of bread. I think I
> should invest in some special "hot dog dishes" designed to support the two
> sides of the hot dog without letting the assembly fall apart. Same for
> tacos... use an eating dish that keeps your tacos upright until you're
> ready to pick one up.
> Well, anyway, would you be disappointed by, say, an 8" diameter hot dog
> that you could slice and instead of making a chili dog, you simply make a
> burger-shaped chili dog and put your chili, onions, mustard, cheese, and
> whatever on it, then eat it like a hamburger? It should taste the same.
> The only problem I have with it is the thing with rodents. I've heard of
> people finding rat skeletons in those really big jars of peanut butter.
> What if you cut into a hot dog and find a rat skeleton in that. At least
> with small, regular-sized hot dogs, there's not enough room for a rat
> skeleton.
> What do you think? Redesign the hot dog? Or should parents take
> responsibility for teaching their kids it's not nice to try to deepthroat
> their cheese coney when they go to the Sonic?
> Damaeus
Don't they have anything better to do Like treat the uninsured Kids?
Maybe there should be mandatory classes for prospective parents on cutting
up your kids hot dogs.
And they wonder why this nation is going to the DOGS!
Corned beef