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PLucas1 PLucas1 is offline
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Posts: 202
Default BBQ Rules For 2010 Season.....

"Bigbazza" > wrote in news:807su2FasiU1


Good one Barry :-)

Here's another.......

Tofu is not meat - it does not enter the sacred space of the BBQ.

Beer is an important BBQ accessory, it keeps the operator cool,
appropriately flavours the meat and in the unlikely event of a localised
fire provides adequate extinguishing capability.

BBQs can never have female names they are male genus and must have macho
hombre names

BBQs are not pink, meat is pink and then you cook it.

The man child must be brought before the BBQ to learn the sacred ways
before he reaches the age of 16 summers.

BBQs must be powered by fire - hot burning coals are OK but fire is the
key distinguishing feature that differentiates a BBQ from an appliance.

Guests must not take the utensils in hand unless the host requests them to
do so. You don't put your hands on his wife so don't touch his tongs.

BBQing in Speedos is not cool.

BBQing with a girly apron is not cool.

BBQing with one of those aprons that has fake boobs is just wrong.

BBQing on your own is unAustralian, if you are going to fire it up you
need to have a mate on hand to take over in case you go down half way
through a rib eye fillet.

Peter Lucas

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Edmund Burke.