Making a lattice pie crust - instructions
In, Wayne Boatwright
> posted on Tue, 16 Mar 2010 00:47:56 GMT
the following:
> On Mon 15 Mar 2010 04:27:27p, Damaeus told us...
> > In, Wayne Boatwright
> > > posted on Mon, 15 Mar 2010 12:49:57 GMT
> > the following:
> >
> > > Just an observation, but IIRC, you mentioned cutting the pie after
> > > only 15 minutes of cooling and not have the filling run. At this
> > > point the filling would still be hot. If it doesn't run at this
> > > temperature, when it cools off, I can imagine that the consistency of
> > > the filling would be like tar. Normally, fruit pies should be allowed
> > > to cool at least an hour before cutting and serving, often longer.
> >
> > Actually it wasn't like tar at all after it cooled. It was a little
> > thicker, but not by much, and that surprised me, too. And I like hot
> > pie, not lukewarm pie. I hate cold fruit pies.
> I don't recall what kind of thickener you used. Flour, cornstarch,
> tapioca? It may vary with type.
Cornstarch slurry. It didn't thicken as much in the fridge as I thought
it would. Maybe it has something to do with some kind of chemical
reaction between the pears, the water, the sugar, and liquer I used. Hehe.