Looking for light weight, small size cylindrical or any othershape that is freezer safe to store concentrated stock (Chichen broth forexample)
On Mar 15, 10:33*am, "newss" > wrote:
> "Manda Ruby" > wrote in message
> ...
> >I am looking for freezer safe containers that would store one or two
> > serving of concentrated stock to be used in making beef soup. The
> > stock would be chicken broth.
> Beef soup made from chicken broth?
Why not? Does every cooking need to be the American way?
It's one of Vietnamese Pho recipes. For a hypoglycemic like me needing
to eat beef, an easy way to add chicken to my diet along with beef is
to use chicken breast meat for things like Tandoori chicken or
fajitas, boil the breast bones just long enough to get the meat
enchiladas (for breakfast) and then continue boiling the bones to get
broth for beef soup. Buy sirloin beef and ask the meat dept. to cut
thin slices for me so that I can just make the soup quickly by adding
beef with bones (as sold in pakistani stores) to make Indoneais style
soup sometimes dipping the thin slice beef in the broth to make
Vietnamese soup. The plan is to eat beef and chicken together almost
daily instead of just beef or just chicken.