A little goes a long way!
Nancy Young wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
> > Dark sesame oil must be used drop-wise for sure. <g>
> >
> > Other things I think fall under this category a
> >
> > Powdered cayanne
> > Cumin
> > Habanero (in ANY form)
> >
> > Please add to the list? :-)
> > I'm still short on sleep...
> Nutmeg and sage, for me. Enough is enough with those.
I was about to suggest sage. It's great when used
judiciously, but if anyone can tell there's sage in there,
you've used too much.
That's the rule of thumb for these ingrediants -- they
must be used at a level below conscious perception.
Asafoetida is probably the most extreme example.