On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 18:23:23 -0600, "gloria.p" >
>Kris wrote:
>> On Mar 15, 12:29 am, koko > wrote:
>>> I found this in Albertson's today. A bubble pack/recipe card that has
>>> all the pre-measured spices needed to make the recipe.http://i43.tinypic.com/8wa0i1.jpg
>>> I think this is a great idea. Hopefully this will help budding new
>>> cooks learn about spices and that there is life beyond pre-packaged
>>> food while they are building their spice racks.http://i39.tinypic.com/2rrsbxy.jpg
>> I've seen those too! I thought they would be good for one of those
>> recipes you want to try once to see if you liked it.
>> After that, you could opt to buy them in larger sizes.
>> Kris
>No one has yet mentioned what they cost. If very cheap (and I doubt it)
>it might be worthwhile, but you can get dozens of uses out of a small
>jar of spices, for many, many recipes. Once you make the spice card
>recipe, the spices are gone and you have to resupply.
>I haven't seen these in the stores. What do they cost?
> gloria p
Actually I did, twice. Perhaps those posts didnt' show up on your
They are $1.50
There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 03/15/10