Toyota Reduc?
ImStillMags wrote:
> On Mar 15, 10:45 am, > wrote:
>> On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 08:03:14 -0700, Dan > wrote:
>>> In >,
>>> "Mr. Joseph Littleshoes > wrote:
>>>> Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq. wrote:
>>>> But seriously, i have been burned so many times by "new and improved"
>>>> and i might add, overly gimmicked technology, with delicate circuitry
>>>> that breaks down quickly that i tend to try to find older versions of
>>>> such things, cars as well as kitchen appliances, when i have to.
>>> The two main problems with braking lately in Toyotas we
>>> 1. Floor mats that got stuck under the accelerator pedal.
>>> 2. Wear in the mechanical linkage in the accelerator mechanism that
>>> caused it to get stuck.
>>> Neither had anything to do with "delicate circuitry".
>> That was the "official" explanation. They still haven't cleared it up and it also turns out that Japan has been covering up that they have the same problems with Toyotas built over there.
>> It's boiling down to a software problem that nobody knows how to fix
>> yet.
> How's this for a conspiracy theory?????
> Toyota is too big. They are too good. They make cars that don't
> lose value and just work. You just couldn't find a used Toyota
> anywhere as cheap as other used cars because they hold their value.
> American cars sucked. They made cars nobody wanted to buy. American
> Auto industry in the toilet...even Ford is still struggling.
Exactly. Australian cars are much the same. The Japanese in particular
long ago eclipsed the build quality of our cars.
In fact, in recent years, our cars (particularity Fords) have gotten
even worse mainly due to cutting costs wherever possible.
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism
by those who haven't got it - George Bernard Shaw