koko > wrote in
> On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 07:16:28 GMT, PLucas1
> > wrote:
>>I've been coveting these for a couple of years now, but couldn't justify
>>the $250+ price tag.
>>That was till we went shopping yesterday and lo and behold!! The
>>kitchenware place I shop at was having a sale.
>>I'm now the proud owner of a *huge* tagine..... at the bargain basement
>>price of $50 !!!
>>The colour had a little to do with it at well :-)
>>Up till now I'd only seen blue ones in the shop.
>>It's coming up to winter over here, and that particular kitchen 'gadget'
>>is going to cop a flogging...... it's going to make a fantastic center
>>piece/talking point at some dinner parties I'm planning.
> That is just beautiful. Love the color variation on it.
> I'd say that's a SCOOORRRRE.
Moochos grassyass :-)
Now, I just have to get my act into gear and dig up some Moroccan recipes,
and source some good couscous.
Peter Lucas
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Edmund Burke.