A little goes a long way!
Omelet wrote:
> In article >,
> Terry Pulliam Burd > wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 07:54:54 -0600, Omelet >
>> wrote:
>>> I don't believe that breakfast foods have to be eaten for breakfast. <g>
>>> One of the privileges of being an adult is that I can eat what I want,
>>> when I'm in the mood for it!
>> Two of my favorite breakfasts are leftover pizza and leftover cheese
>> enchiladas.
>> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
> Breakfast of champions. Cold pizza and beer. <g>
When I was a kid, my folks would sometimes get a pizza late at night.
They would each eat 2 slices, leaving the other 4 slices for me and my
three brother's breakfast.... one slice each.
Never left us any beer, though.
George L