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dsi1[_9_] dsi1[_9_] is offline
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Posts: 598
Default Village idiot again

On 3/17/2010 2:33 AM, J. Clarke wrote:
> On 3/17/2010 2:41 AM, dsi1 wrote:
>> On 3/16/2010 4:31 PM, Ranée at Arabian Knits wrote:
>>> In >,
>>> > wrote:
>>>> The Twinkie cake must be the greatest cake ever made and the shocking,
>>>> fluffy white filling is not bad and works well with the cake part. I
>>>> don't eat the stuff anymore, but thinking about this greatest of all
>>>> portable cakes makes me smile. The world would be a little less
>>>> brighter
>>>> without the Hostess Twinkie - probably a little lighter too! :-)
>>> I used to be able to gobble them up. I tried them again a few years
>>> back and couldn't finish one. It was so awful! I keep saying I will
>>> make a lemon sponge type cake and fill it with whipped cream to make my
>>> own "twinkies" that are made with actual food.

>> My guess is that most boomers can't handle Twinkies like they used to.
>> No matter, I recall the good ole days with much affection but I don't
>> have much of a desire to make Twinkies an important part of my daily
>> meal routine. :-)
>> That would be something if you could make your own version. Maybe
>> someday. The most amazing thing about Twinkies is the remarkable
>> stability of the "creme" filling. I suppose it's better living through
>> chemistry.

> Haven't you heard, it was part of the Cold War civil defense effort--eat
> enough Twinkies and you become so permeated with preservatives that
> you're immune to radiation

One thing's for certain, when that asteroid crashes into our planet or
the day most folks are turned into brain-hungry zombies, Twinkies will
be there to allow humans the extra time they need to prevail, survive
and repopulate this remarkable place we call Earth. :-)