On 3/17/10 10:22 AM, DaleW wrote:
> Bill,
> it's your display. It's not showing the e with the accent. Mine also
> shows Qup, but if I look at it in preview or from another reader it
> shows Qupé ( e with acute if that doesn't show).
> Why I gave up on accents, depends on newsreader and individual
> computer setups. I also don't compensate by using oe for ö because
> it's harder to search.
Sorry about that, guys. Apparently, Google Groups doesn't use the
information about character encoding in the header records to decide how
to display posts. After years of drinking and posting about European
wines, it's become close to second nature to use the various diacritical
marks (and it's so easy on a Mac, why not?) but perhaps I should rethink
that decision as Dale has done to avoid problems with Google Groupies.
Bill: another solution that involves a bit more effort on your part is
to download dedicated newsreader software such as Xnews or Forté Free
Agent and use that in conjunction with a free news service such as
AIOE.org (my choice), Eternal-September.org or albasani.net to read this
and other text-only newsgroups. The upside is better threading, keeping
track of read (and unread) posts and better spam control. Just a thought.
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