On Mar 17, 12:31�pm, Mark Lipton > wrote:
> On 3/17/10 10:22 AM, DaleW wrote:
> > Bill,
> > it's your display. It's not showing the e with the accent. �Mine also
> > shows Qup, but if I look at it in preview or from another reader it
> > shows Qup ( e with acute if that doesn't show).
> > Why I gave up on accents, depends on newsreader and individual
> > computer setups. I also don't compensate by using oe for because
> > it's harder to search.
> Sorry about that, guys. �Apparently, Google Groups doesn't use the
> information about character encoding in the header records to decide how
> to display posts. �After years of drinking and posting about European
> wines, it's become close to second nature to use the various diacritical
> marks (and it's so easy on a Mac, why not?) but perhaps I should rethink
> that decision as Dale has done to avoid problems with Google Groupies.
> Bill: another solution that involves a bit more effort on your part is
> to download dedicated newsreader software such as Xnews or Fort Free
> Agent and use that in conjunction with a free news service such as
> AIOE.org (my choice), Eternal-September.org or albasani.net to read this
> and other text-only newsgroups. �The upside is better threading, keeping
> track of read (and unread) posts and better spam control. �Just a thought.
> Mark
> --
> alt.food.wine FAQ: �http://winefaq.cwdjr.net
Thanks for the info. had I not read your post while under the
influence of the major portion of a bottle of 2008 Pieropan Soave I
would have figured it out.