In article >,
% > wrote:
>"Mad as a Box of Frogs" > wrote in message
>> In article >,
>> % > wrote:
>>>"Mad as a Box of Frogs" > wrote in message
>>>> In article >,
>>>> % > wrote:
>>>>>"Mad as a Box of Frogs" > wrote in message
>>>>>> Great Depression Cooking Ep:1 - Pasta with Peas
>>>>>> 91 year old cook and great grandmother, Clara, recounts her childhood
>>>>>> during the Great Depression as she prepares meals from the era. Learn
>>>>>> how to make simple yet delicious dishes while listening.
>>>>>i don't need to know how to eat cheap i make enough to feed myself well
>>>> Yea I heard you were the picture of health.
>>>who cares what you heard i heard you're an idiot
>> ROFL. Maybe so, but at least I'm healthy.
>no you're not or you wouldn't be in this group
Sure I would. I'm in exactly on topic with healthy
food and great teeth.
"Ward, weren't you a little hard on The Beaver last night?" --June Cleaver