On 17/03/2010 6:14 PM, % wrote:
> "Mad as a Box of Frogs" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Great Depression Cooking Ep:1 - Pasta with Peas
>> 91 year old cook and great grandmother, Clara, recounts her childhood
>> during the Great Depression as she prepares meals from the era. Learn
>> how to make simple yet delicious dishes while listening.
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuMkW35BwK8
>> --
>> "Ward, weren't you a little hard on The Beaver last night?" --June
>> Cleaver
> i don't need to know how to eat cheap i make enough to feed myself well
But for the unprepared, over extended on debt, welshers, bums, vagrents
and those waiting for the next Obama bailout might want to buy one for
when they need it.
But the rib-eye was good tonight.
Politicians don't provide anything, the tax payers do.