Thread: Dang bird!
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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Dang bird!

On Tue, 16 Mar 2010 17:45:35 +0000 (UTC), wrote:

> Sqwertz > wrote:
>> On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 17:39:20 +0000 (UTC),
>>> No, it's a territory thing with flickers. They like to pound on
>>> whatever makes the most noise to warn off other males and attract
>>> a mate. I generally get one pounding on the gutter outside my
>>> bathroom window every Spring. Annoying damn bird.

>> That's not true.

> It most certainly is true. Yes, flickers make nests by
> creating holes in trees, but the *also* like to pound
> on things just to make noise and announce their presence.
> See:
> quote: "One may also hear a constant knocking as they often
> drum on trees or even metal objects to declare territory."
> also:
> quote: "Male and female Northern Flickers make a loud, evenly spaced,
> rapid drumming sound by hammering against trees or metal objects. . . .
> Drumming in woodpeckers takes the place of singing in songbirds."

I should have said it's not completely true. Unless you ask the
bird, it would be hard to tell if it's making a nest, or just being
a nuisance. I guess banging on metal might be the later, unless
it's named Sheldon - then it could be trying to nest inside there.

On the other hand, once he gets through the metal, he's home free
and has a nice nesting spot. So maybe it's smart.

This time of year, I would thing making nests is more important than
announcing your territory.
