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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Village idiot again

On Wed, 17 Mar 2010 14:27:35 -1000, dsi1
> wrote:

> On 3/17/2010 1:53 PM, sf wrote:
> >
> > I took a trip down memory lane for lunch today. Ate at one of the
> > original burger places in the city that ground their own meat. Up to
> > this, my favorite burger topping has been San Marino chili sauce...
> > but today I realized how sweet it is. Not having that again. I'll
> > order avocado and alfalfa sprouts next time.
> >

> Avocado and alfalfa sprouts - sounds like the 70s to me. :-) I recently
> had a burger from a place that makes 'em just like the ones that I got
> when I was 12 or so. By any comparison, an awful burger. I thought it
> was OK and it must be that we eat foods like that in context with all
> our memories and experiences. There's no other rational explanation why
> I'd down such a thing! :-)

News flash. Avocado and alfalfa sprouts have not gone out of date. I
like avocado and I like alfalfa sprouts, so I'll like the burger. By
your definition, I shouldn't have lettuce, tomato and onion on my
burger either because it's too dated.
> Don't forget that Dan White gassed himself.

He committed suicide (carbon monoxide). Gassed himself sounds like he
farted to death.

>Rumor has it that there were Twinkie wrappers strewn all about his body. :-)

He was a very troubled man. Glad you can find humor in it, I can't.

> My wife and I arrived in
> SF the day DW murdered the mayor and Harvey Milk. "Welcome to San
> Francisco" was my thought at the time. Then came Jonestown. Ay carumba!

It was not a fun time for San Franciscans either.

I love cooking with wine.
Sometimes I even put it in the food.