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PLucas1 PLucas1 is offline
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Posts: 202
Default (2010-03-17) NS-RFC: 'Stinky' foods?

(Steve Pope) wrote in news:hns4u7$tvp$1

> Omelet > wrote:
>>Dad used to eat tons of fresh garlic and I could literally smell him
>>when I entered the room. From a distance of at least 10 ft. However, I
>>never found it to be very unpleasant. I'm not a garlic hater.

> I never met an allium I didn't like.
> At last weekend's potluck (to which I contributed my
> tofu potatoe salad), a gentleman of European persuasion brought
> a sort of spanokapita dish that was loaded with garlic.
> There were no compliants, and many people enjoyed it.
> It definitely created a garlic radius of several feet.

I'd never tried sssshpanicopatah (in my best greek accent!!) until I took
the SO to a Greek owned seafood restaurant.

She who likes all things spinach and fetta just had to try it.

They went easy with the garlic though :-)

I'm finding I prefer my garlic roasted nowadays..... although I won't pass
up a good garlic and cheese bread ;-)

Peter Lucas

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Edmund Burke.