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piedmont piedmont is offline
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Posts: 117
Default Kitchen computers?

On 3/14/2010 3:28 PM, Steve B wrote:
> How many people have a computer in their kitchen? A friend of mine has one,
> and I thought it was a tv monitor. She can pull up recipes while she's in
> the kitchen. I don't know if I would put an Internet capable computer in
> there, but to just have a keyboard, mouse, and screen on the bar top, or
> hidden away would be okay just for storage. Recipes could be imported by
> flash drive, and if the other internet programs weren't running, it wouldn't
> take much RAM or hard drive, as it would be mostly text. I have two old
> computers that are smaller that would work.
> Anyone doing this?

I will move a laptop to the kitchen counter or use my blackberry bold
also. I have lots of recipes on my blackberry as well as access to my
google docs for more recipes, plus with recipes at my finger tips on my
mobile it makes shopping for ingredients easier as I can pull up recipes
right in store on mobile.

regards, mike
piedmont, The Practical BBQ'r