Sicko the movie
On Mar 18, 7:17*am, "J. Clarke" > wrote:
> On 3/17/2010 7:42 PM, Stu wrote:
> > I finally got a look at Sicko the movie about the American health
> > system. Pretty sad that people were put out on the street still in
> > hospital gowns because the couldn't pay their bill.
> > Then there was the three 911 responders who got medical treatment in
> > Cuba for free. One responder, a woman paid $170 for her puffer, and
> > she picked up a few for 6 1/2 pesos each, that's about 5 cents each
> > they said.
> > 911 responders that can't get treatment in the USA, and had to go to
> > Cuba to get it is sad. The documentary certainly opened my eyes.
> So what did they eat?