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Giusi Giusi is offline
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Default Kitchen computers?

"Janet Baraclough" ha scritto nel messaggio
> from "Giusi" contains these words:

>> > But who wants to be touching a keyboard or mouse in the middle of
>> > food >> > prep?

>> Soap water wash

> If I'm following a recipe from a book, I want it close to my work>
> centre not 12 feet away.
> The advantage of (good) recipe books is that they get the entire recipe>
> and method onto
> two facing pages so once it's open, I don't need to turn pages or handle>
> the book.
>> I write in two languages and two measuring systems. I need my virtual
>> friend.

> Most UK cooks also work in two measuring systems (metric and>
> imperial) My cookbooks, measuring jugs and kitchen scales all offer
> two measuring systems so no computer required.

The difference is, of course, that I am writing recipes and you're reading
them. Those British cookbook writers used a computer to make those dual
measurements correct-- or a calculator. Nearly the only time I use
cookbooks these days is if I am translating recipes and in that case I do it
in the computer.