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Damaeus[_3_] Damaeus[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 636
Default Sicko the movie

In, (Steve Pope) posted on
Thu, 18 Mar 2010 13:52:14 +0000 (UTC) the following:

> Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
> >They should have gone to Canada where everything is free.

> >Our system is not the best, but the present bill in Congress is even worse.

> I say the bill they will pass soon will be an improvement. The CBO
> finished their analysis today and it was described thusly
> in the Huffington Post:
> "Comprehensive health care reform will cost the federal
> government $940 billion over a ten-year period, but will increase
> revenue and cut other costs by a greater amount, leading to a
> reduction of $130 billion in the federal deficit over the same
> period, according to an analysis by the Congressional Budget
> Office, a Democratic source tells HuffPost. It will cut the
> deficit by $1.2 trillion over the next ten years."

That's nothing. Ronald Reagan, all by himself, raised the national debt
from the billions to $4 trillion in his eight years. And in ten years,
they'll probably be talking about $150 trillion budgets. So this silly
deficit cut sounds like big dollars now. It really isn't.

> The source said it also extends Medicare's solvency by at least
> 9 years and reduces the rate of its growth by 1.4 percent, while
> closing the doughnut hole for seniors, meaning there will no
> longer be a gap in coverage of medication. The CBO also estimated
> it would extend coverage to 32 million additional people."
> I say that's a significant improvement. It could be more
> comprehensive, more universal and more fair, but it levels
> out the present unequal healthcare problem to a significant
> degree.

None of this would be necessary if the medical industry wasn't doubling as
an extortion industry. If people don't want to die, but feel they are
dying, they'll tell the hospital to do what they can now, and they'll find
a way to pay. Of course, being insured gets you all kinds of care. If
you're not insured, you get the bare minimums.

When I was in the hospital in 1997, I asked for a lethal injection. They
proceeded to run up $28,000 in bills I couldn't pay, probably figuring if
for some reason I /did/ die, they might get sued. I didn't plan it like
that. I actually did want a lethal injection. They just wouldn't give it
to me.
