Ian's Pate -
Salut/Hi Chuck Reid,
le/on Tue, 14 Oct 2003 09:59:12 -0400, tu disais/you said:-
>Salut Ian;
>I really liked the more free form version :>)) Gives me lots of room to
>swing my elbows.
I guessed that might be your response! Makes no odds to me if anyone wants
to very/improve/play with any recipes I post, though when it's a recipe of
my own, I'd prefer it if people would try it _exactly_ as writ just once.
The terrine that John and Josh have asked for the recipe of is a case in
point. I've been fiddling with this for about 6 years now, first getting
the types and proportions of the meats right to my taste, then the
seasonings and finally the texture. I'm pretty happy with it now, and all I
ask is that if anyone passes it on as "Ian's", they respect the recipe as
it is - by all means adding "Chuck's comment - add more pepper and use
cider insteads of wine " or whatever.
The only point I get twitchy about is if I post a recipe for a great
classic. As I said one in another place "You can cook shoe leather in axle
grease if you like, and call it what you like. BUT if you post the recipe
under the name of "Coq au Vin", I will point out that with neither cock nor
wine, it _isn't_ "Coq au Vin"." So if I post a recipe for a great classic
dish, if you don't want to try it unchanged, fine, but don't call it by the
classic name.
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed my "free form version."
All the Best
Ian Hoare
Sometimes oi just sits and thinks
Sometimes oi just sits.