George wrote:
>brooklyn1 wrote:
>> George wrote:
>>> ramen is a good thing. Instant ramen is like comparing wonderbread to good quality bread.
>> Then it should be easy for you to offer a link that proves your "real"
>> ramen vs. instant ramen theory.
>What theory? I report what I know and see. When was the last time you
>were in Japan?
>And as far as a link maybe you can figure out how to review the link
>that was cited on the first post of this thread?
>Report back to verify that you have learned there is a difference
>between the instant ramen you eat and real ramen.
So, all you got is gobbledy-gook double-talk... no link... thought so.
Obviously you're not the cannot-tell-a-lie George who chopped down
that cherry tree. LOL-LOL