Thread: Poached Salmon
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Steve B[_8_] Steve B[_8_] is offline
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Default Poached Salmon

"Zeppo" > wrote in message
> I'm hosting a 60th anniversary celebration for my in-laws this Sunday at
> my house. We're bringing them over for a rare trip out of the assisted
> living facility they are in. I just got a request for poached Salmon from
> my FIL, as it is one of my MIL's favorite dishes, and he thinks it will
> help her better enjoy the event (she has fairly progresses Alzheimer's).
> I've made it a few times in the past, but always with individual portions
> of salmon fillet. I'd like to do a whole side of salmon to have enough to
> feed a dozen, but haven't found any recipes for preparing it that way. All
> the recipes involve either a whole fish or individual portions of fillet.
> Is there a reason I shouldn't poach a whole side? It would make the flow
> go much better to not have to mess with trying to poach a whole fish, and
> I think the presentation of a side (or two) would be much nicer than a
> pile of fillets. There's also the time factor. I'm making 3 other dishes
> for the party and some of them a re pretty involved.
> Also any favorite dill or tarragon sauce recipes?
> TIA,
> Jon

I love salmon, but cook it by steaming. I use the standard West Bend
electric wok, and cook it on a grate over water. I can season it on the
grate, then place the grate over boiling water. Seasoning can be put on the
fish or in the water, and it transfers. I use my wok a lot to cook fish,
and it is good, because it will cook fragile types of fish without it
falling apart. Might be an option for you. Perhaps you have a larger fry
pan with lid and racks can be had at the 99 cent store cheap.

Just an alternative.
