Sicko the movie
Damaeus wrote:
> That's nothing. Ronald Reagan, all by himself, raised the national debt
> from the billions to $4 trillion in his eight years. And in ten years,
> they'll probably be talking about $150 trillion budgets. So this silly
> deficit cut sounds like big dollars now. It really isn't.
Funny how that works. The conservatives run up huge bills and then blame
liberals for the debt. We had the same thing when a Liberal government
ran a deficit to deal with tough economic times. The conservatives that
replaced them harped for years about the liberal debt, but continued to
rack up debt even faster than the liberals did, and kept up the hype
about the liberal debt, and their supporters bought it.
> When I was in the hospital in 1997, I asked for a lethal injection. They
> proceeded to run up $28,000 in bills I couldn't pay, probably figuring if
> for some reason I /did/ die, they might get sued. I didn't plan it like
> that. I actually did want a lethal injection. They just wouldn't give it
> to me.
Aren't you glad they didn't.