Rediscovering Salsa, the Soul of Mexico in a Bowl
On 3/18/2010 10:04 AM, Steve Pope wrote:
> J. > wrote:
>> On 3/17/2010 7:57 PM, Steve Pope wrote:
>>> The Times writer states that Jugo Maggi is an "MSG based sauce".
>>> I disapprove of this trend to call anything with hydrolysed
>>> vegetable protein "MSG".
>>> Just thought I'd register a complaint. ;-)
>> What's your objection? Do you know of any hydrolyzed vegetable protein
>> in common use that does not devolve to MSG?
> HVP contains some MSG, but also many other amino acid salts, and
> to call this mixture "a form of MSG" a bit silly... it
> is mixed amino salts, not just MSG. It does not "devolve
> to MSG".
So do you have percentages? And what _do_ you call the process by which
MSG is formed from glutamate?
> BTW, all the essential amino acids will equally stimulate
> a umami response.