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triolus[_2_] triolus[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 19
Default Amateur Iron Chef Competition

I have been invited to take part in a competition with some local
friends. We are going to conduct an Iron Chef-style contest which
almost mirrors the rules of the TV show. We will have two hours to
make 5 dishes, including at least one entree and one dessert. There
will be 4 judges, so I need to make 4 plates of each dish, plus one
more for the opposite team. I will have a friend be my sous chef, and
each team will be in the kitchen at the same time. It's not a very
large space, and we'll have to share equipment.

They have held this competition twice before, and have all the plates,
utensils, pots and pans that you would need. The Chairman will be
buying the secret ingredient, and will pick up anything else I may
need for recipes.

Each judge also understands it's a normal kitchen, not a stadium, and
that some dishes might be microwaved or served a bit cool. It's a
friendly competition, after all.

So, any of you ever done anything like this before? Have any
suggestions on things to prepare ahead of time? What would be some
good adaptable recipes?
