Thread: Dang bird!
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Dang bird!

On Thu, 18 Mar 2010 20:05:40 -0400, "Nancy Young"
> wrote:

>Cheryl wrote:
>> On Mon 15 Mar 2010 02:54:21p, Nancy Young wrote

>>> Not so amusing was one cardinal who'd start thumping on my
>>> family room window at 5am every April/whatever. Get lost!
>>> I'd hang a towel over it until mating season passed.

>> That's a very good idea.
>> My bird problem is these house sparrows that keep nesting on the
>> ledge over the entrance to my house, under the soffet. I keep
>> trying to block it before spring and they keep finding a way in and
>> nesting. Once they nest I let them finish but they come back every
>> spring. I wouldn't mind it so much, even with all the bird shit
>> they drip down the wall, but the mother isn't a very good one. She
>> either pushes the babies out too young, or the babies fall out
>> because it just isn't a good place to nest. This year I'm just
>> banging the wall below them when I see them there. Last couple of
>> nights I haven't seen any birds up there sleeping.

>Argh. I haven't had any birds actually hatch babies on my house,
>but every year they find my mailbox on the first halfway decent
>day and I have to toss out fistfuls of leaves. All spring I have to
>leave the lid up or some bird will find it. Amazing how much stuff
>they can put into that mailbox in just a short time.

The robins arrived today, what a legion of worm hunters.

Birds don't bother my house, I put up like 20 birdhouses on the trees
about 50 feet away. I have birds in infinite numbers but those that
would choose a soffet, mailbox, light fixture and such will much
rather occupy a proper birdhouse properly located... if you're not
sure about birdhouses in your area contact your local Audubon Society
office, they'll be happy to guide you, they sell very nice birdhouses
too, at very reasonable prices.


Rent is late: