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Damaeus[_3_] Damaeus[_3_] is offline
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Default Kraft to cut salt in its foods

In, Becca > posted on Thu, 18 Mar
2010 19:24:11 -0500 the following:

> My oldest son worked on finding a preservative for large bags of Frito's
> so they would keep fresh longer. The small bags have corn, oil and salt
> as ingredients, there are no added preservatives, other than the salt.
> The large bags have the same ingredients, but they are not single-use
> servings, so people keep them longer. I will have to ask what they did,
> if anything.

My favorite tortilla chips, El Milagro Mexican Kitchen Style chips, have
no salt on them, and they are delicious with or without dip, far better
than any other corn chip, salted or unsalted. They do seem to go stale a
little faster than some other brands of chips, but sometimes I think
that's because of the rather thin plastic bag they come in. But it's
really no problem. The staleness is only because the chips have absorbed
some atmospheric moisture. When I put the chips in the oven for a few
minutes, all the moisture is removed, and they're crispier than they were
when I first bought them.
