Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> Does anyone have a tried and true recipe for the bread that is made at
> is braided into a cross and has eggs inserted in the
> dough before baking. I want to attempt one of these this year and I
> want input before I just randomly pick a recipe....also, the
> eggs...boiled before putting them in the dough or do they go in raw
> and 'bake' with the bread?
> Inquiring minds.
I never made it myself nor someone in my family, anyway I can try to guess
you're talking about
: is it Casatiello?
Casatiello contains eggs but also some pork.
This webpage is from a woman from Naples living in Modena but still thinking
napoletano, she's a very good cook and used to dwell in the italian kitchen
NG till some years ago, when she moved to her site after some quarrel with
other NG dwellers who contributed pictures and writings to her old site and
didn't like the fact she put some ads on the site. So she created this new
site with only her contributions.
Her recipes are all true and tried, no doubt about that: me and others made
many of her recipes during the last years and they were always the real
Here is the recipe, if you want me to translate it for you, just ask
Don't think pink: drink rosè