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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 4,256
Default Looking for light weight, small size cylindrical or any othershape that is freezer safe to store concentrated stock (Chichen broth forexample)

> I have no room to place the icecube tray upright. Beside, it's more

Ice cube trays lie flat - you mean your freezer won't accommodate an
ice-cube tray?

> work to freeze them, take the cubes out and then refreeze them in the
> ziplock bag. Even if they don't get stuck, I'd have to touch with my
> hands to get them out.

You don't "take the cubes out and then refreeze them." They are
already frozen and they stay frozen. Twist the tray, dump them into a
Ziploc, put the Ziploc in the freezer and you're done.

> > dump them all
> > into a plastic bag that can be air-tight-sealed, and then you can just
> > take out one cube, or 6 cubes at a time.

> > N.- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -

It seems you'd rather complain than solve your problem. What's the
difference between taking out a cube or two of frozen concentrated
stock (you can wear food gloves, you know) and taking out a
container? I don't get the "touch" problem.

Whatever, go ahead and complain. You've had plenty of good ideas, you
just refuse to say, "Thanks," and move on.
