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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Edible grains (millet)

zxcvbob wrote:
>Omelet wrote:
>> zxcvbob wrote:
>>> Omelet wrote:
>>>> Buckwheat won't work, but thanks anyway. :-)
>>>> Anything remotely related to wheat is bad. Including Oats, rye and
>>>> barley.
>>> You know buckwheat isn't even a grass at all? It's about as far
>>> removed from wheat as you can get and still make a usable flour (not
>>> unlike acorns.)

>> We have tons of acorns around here every fall, but those take special
>> processing to remove the tanins.

>Acorns wasn't the point. Buckwheat is not related to wheat at all.

I'm absolutely positive Om has no wheat allergy, she has proven it
here... to know if one has an allergy they'd need to be medically
tested by a qualified physician. Any Allergist who discovers a
patient has a wheat allergy would immediately counsel for wheat
substitutes, whereas buckwheat would head the list... buckwheat flour
is readily available. Om has no wheat allergy, I don't know why she
is lying anymore than I know why she blew off the URL I offered (and
continues do so) but she is definitely lying... OM must be one of
those highly unstable closet quadro-polars. LOL-LOL