Easter or Pascal Bread question
ViLco wrote:
> Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
>> Does anyone have a tried and true recipe for the bread that is made at
>> Easter.....it is braided into a cross and has eggs inserted in the
>> dough before baking. I want to attempt one of these this year and I
>> want input before I just randomly pick a recipe....also, the
>> eggs...boiled before putting them in the dough or do they go in raw
>> and 'bake' with the bread?
>> Inquiring minds.
I have made all of these and find the results quite similar.
You will find a long list of recipes for each on Google.
(One of my Sweet Bread recipes begins: "Melt 1 lb. butter and
break a dozen eggs into a bowl..." It makes a dozen or so small loaves.)
Portuguese (or Hawaiian) sweet bread
Greek Easter bread
One of my aunts boiled the eggs before baking the bread, the other
didn't. IIRC the pre-boiled eggs were safer to use (no accidents
involving raw egg) but they did have that green ring around the yolk.
gloria p