In, "Mr. Joseph Littleshoes Esq." >
posted on Fri, 19 Mar 2010 11:47:18 -0800 the following:
> Damaeus wrote:
> > I didn't realize it was an IRC link. I double-clicked it and it launched
> > my mIRC and asked me if I wanted to connect to the server. lol
> Charming
perhpas we will get a chance to "chat"?
I sort of got burned out on IRC a few weeks ago. I haven't felt like
being philosophical lately in real-time chat. I decided to come back to
usenet for a while where I can take the time for lengthy responses instead
of shorter ones as given in IRC, though even in IRC, I often didn't stop
typing. I tried to reply to everyone, but sometimes when you're trying to
carry on a conversation with 3-4 people and reply to everybody, it can be
a little overwhelming.
But, I did launch it for a while yesterday, saw about seven or eight
people there, but nobody said anything, including me. If there was a
regular time for chats, I would come to one. If I get into a chatty mood,
I go to #Scripture on Undernet, not because it's especially Bible-based,
but because the channel allows all types to hang out there and have flame
wars. It's very active, usually all the time, and fun to chat in. It's
rarely even Biblical, but those chats get to be "fun" as the information
war between evolution and creation plays out.