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Miche[_2_] Miche[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 714
Default Looking for light weight, small size cylindrical or any other shape that is freezer safe to store concentrated stock (Chichen broth for example)

In article
Manda Ruby > wrote:

> On Mar 17, 8:49*pm, Miche > wrote:
> > In article

> > So much extra work that it's not worth it? *Really? *It's the work of
> > but a moment.

> But, as a hypoglycemic, I already have a lot more work having to cook
> than eat out, cooking more variety, and eat more often (not when I
> want to but when I need to which can mean stop whatever I'd be doing
> and eat) while eating more often doesn't mean eating at home
> conveniently.
> Beside, I am talking about making broth routinely and freezing and
> using them every week, not just when I feel like making soup. Plus,
> making other dishes so that I'd eat many different source of meat in
> one meal. And I only have time to do the cooking on one day of the
> weekends. Thank goodness that I have developed a habit not to do
> grocery shopping on weekends. Otherwise, I'd be too tired to do that
> much cooking/preparartion.

If you're finding it so hard to eat well as a hypoglycaemic person that
you can't empty an ice cube tray into a bag, it might be time for you to
see a dietician.


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