Posted to
Water to Sand Testimony
In ,
Sqwertz >spewed forth:
> On Thu, 18 Mar 2010 01:03:46 -0600, ChairMan wrote:
>> In ,
>> Steve Calvin >spewed forth:
>>> ChairMan wrote:
>>>> In ,
>>>> Sqwertz >spewed forth:
>>>>> On Wed, 17 Mar 2010 00:41:39 -0400, TFM® wrote:
>>>>>> I use nothing at all in the WSM, but that's a vastly superior
>>>>>> cooking vessel in comparison to the lowly ECB.
>>>>> Only faggots and she-males use the incredibly overpriced WSM's.
>>>>> -sw
>>>> So you own one then.
>>> oh, if only people wouldn't even bother replying to sqwertz I'd
>>> never see the crap - but someone ALWAYS bites 
>> I ain't bitin', I'm chummin', but it looks like he took my advice to
>> leave sleeping dogs lie.
>> Which was/is a wise move on his part.
>> Apologies iffen it upset your day.
>> I won't respond to him again, unless provoked.<eg>
> For a "sleeping dog" (your words), you sure do a lot of unprovoked
> barking.
Again, backup your bulllshit or STFU.
I won't hold my breath.