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Manda Ruby Manda Ruby is offline
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Posts: 510
Default Looking for light weight, small size cylindrical or any othershape that is freezer safe to store concentrated stock (Chichen broth forexample)

On Mar 19, 1:16*pm, Miche > wrote:
> In article
> >,
> *Manda Ruby > wrote:
> > On Mar 17, 8:49*pm, Miche > wrote:
> > > In article
> > > So much extra work that it's not worth it? *Really? *It's the work of
> > > but a moment.

> > But, as a hypoglycemic, I already have a lot more work having to cook
> > than eat out, cooking more variety, and eat more often (not when I
> > want to but when I need to which can mean stop whatever I'd be doing
> > and eat) while eating more often *doesn't mean eating at home
> > conveniently.

> > Beside, I am talking about making broth routinely and freezing and
> > using them every week, not just when I feel like making soup. Plus,
> > making other dishes so that I'd eat many different source of meat in
> > one meal. *And I only have time to do the cooking on one day of the
> > weekends. *Thank goodness that I have developed * a habit not to do
> > grocery shopping on weekends. Otherwise, I'd be too tired to do that
> > much cooking/preparartion.

> If you're finding it so hard to eat well as a hypoglycaemic person that
> you can't empty an ice cube tray into a bag, it might be time for you to
> see a dietician. *
> Miche

Why do you people insist that I should l run my life the way you do?
Do you get up at 6 O'Clock to go to work? Do you have the type of
Rhinitis I have that trigger sinus headache from strong smell and
heat, uncomfortableness (or fever if mold are present) from dust and
what not and hence having to dust and vacuum constantly?

Do you have to drive across town to catch your microbiology class (1
1/2 hr for lecture and then 2 2/1 hr for lab) with two quizzes
(lecture quiz and lab quiz) per day for two days a week?

The last time I relied on some else for my health completely - not
useful info for two year, until I oput 2 and 2 together, I lost a
good 7 years of my life. It took 5 years since the day of proper
diagnosis to get a normal life back. And I have two physicians in my
immediate family and both are useless just like the rest of them.

> --
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