Easter's just over two weeks away
"Bob Terwilliger" ha scritto nel messaggio
> Giusi wrote:
>> Asparagus risotto
>> Artichoke lasagne with nettle pasta
> What will you drink with these? I've also got asparagus (in the pasta >
> course) and artichokes (in the contorno), and they're both supposed to be
> difficult to match with wine.
> Bob
Some Italians will say Barolo for the artichokes. Boggles my mind. I don't
think asparagus is difficult. Given that I am working alone, however, I am
going to serve Prosecco with both of these. Since the artichoke effect is
to make wine taste too sweet a really dry Prosecco will suit me.
I am serving a Pugliese black wine with the meat course.