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Giusi Giusi is offline
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Default Legislation Banning Salt in Food in New York City

"Nathalie Chiva" <> ha scritto nel
>>The new bill sounds like one small step in the right direction. Looking
>>at the obesity levels of Americans and Australians, it's come just in

> Sure, pre-prepared food has too much salt it in, and that should be>
> addressed. But have you tasted totally saltless food? Saltless bread?>
> Pasta cooked in saltless water? A totally saltless sauce? Ugh.

It's a really stupid law and would turn NYC into a restaurant desert. Who
would bother to go out to eat toilet-paper-tasting food? Our local bread is
saltless and that's what it tastes like. Ugh.

All the great restaurants would fold. Chefs don't need politicians to write
their recipes.