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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Legislation Banning Salt in Food in New York City

Krypsis > wrote:
>On 20/03/2010 10:12 PM, Nathalie Chiva wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 00:50:07 +1100, >
>> wrote:
>>> The new bill sounds like one small step in the right direction. Looking
>>> at the obesity levels of Americans and Australians, it's come just in time.
>>> Krypsis

>> Sure, pre-prepared food has too much salt it in, and that should be
>> addressed. But have you tasted totally saltless food? Saltless bread?
>> Pasta cooked in saltless water? A totally saltless sauce? Ugh.

>Most of our food is cooked in a salt free environment. Bread however
>needs some salt in the preparation to make the dough work as it should.

That's not true, salt is added to yeast dough for one reason and one
reason only, flavor enhancer... in fact yeast leavens best with no
salt. Any quantity of salt kills yeast.

Ingesting excess salt in food does not make any normal person sick, in
fact extra salt keeps one healthier by killing many bacteria and
viruses. The diseases one contracts that indicate limiting salt
intake are not caused by ingesting excess salt. What's excess salt
anyway, can you define a specific quantity, of course not.