Looking for light weight, small size cylindrical or any othershape that is freezer safe to store concentrated stock (Chichen broth forexample)
On Mar 20, 2:56*am, sf > wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Mar 2010 21:48:26 -0500, "Jinx Minx" >
> wrote:
> > I've found that most people that complain about all doctors being useless
> > are generally the ones with the problem, not the doctors themselves.
> > Usually because they're hypochondriacs and can't get the diagnosis they
> > "think" they have.
> Manda is a head case. *End of story.
If saying so would make you save a trip to your psychologist, please
go head, act like you know me.
> --http://picasaweb.google.com/sf.usenet