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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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On Sat, 20 Mar 2010 22:00:04 -0700, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote:

>Clueless AOL newbie Sheldon "Pussy" Katz wrote:
>> I still limit my pc use to less than three hours a day and not every day.

>Let's just check the truth of that over the past couple days:
>On 3/18, Pussy has posts with these times (all times shown are in Pacific
>time): 5:31 AM, 5:32 AM, 7:28 AM, 8:27 AM, 8:49 AM, 11:39 AM, 11:49 AM,
>12:14 PM, 1:17 PM, 1:30 PM, 4:10 PM, 4:28 PM, 6:07 PM, 6:20 PM, 6:41 PM, and
>7:21 PM.
>So he would have been online from 5:00 AM to 5:35 AM, from 7:00 AM to 9 AM,
>from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM, and 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM -- a total of just over
>seven-and-a-half hours.
>On 3/19, Pussy posted at these times: 8:44 AM, 10:14 AM, 10:34 AM, 12:47 PM,
>2:13 PM, 3:36 PM, 6:18 PM, 7:11 PM, and 7:37 PM. So Pussy would have been
>online from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM, and from 12:30 AM all the way to 8:00 PM --
>a total of ten hours.
>Now that "three hours a day" has been shown as a lie, let's look at that
>"not every day" claim:
>Between February 1 and today, there has been NO DAY AT ALL when Pussy didn't
>post at least twice.
>So once again, Pussy has been shown to be a complete lying scumbag.

What a moroon... only a NEWBIE would think that a PC is logged on from
first post to last, or that just because a PC is logged on 24/7 that
the user is sitting there all that time... and that because someone
posts one day they post every day... it's no wonder that when the
LYING baboon ass face isn't out of work he's a terlit butt-ler...
proven by how much time he spends sniffing my butt and everyone
elses... 99% of the baboon ass face posts are butt sniffing police,
the other 1% is keyboard kooking! LOL-LOL