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George Leppla George Leppla is offline
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Default Stepdaughter moving out March 31st, yay!

Michel Boucher wrote:
> After years of being on her own, SD moved from the house we had bought
> for her and her daughter back in with us 18 months ago saying she would
> spending the bulk of her time with her boyfriend in New York. That
> didn't happen. She didn't like it and was back here inside of a week.
> Also she brought her two dogs which gave, and still gives, our cats
> conniptions.
> Over the course of the 18 months, she caused me to incur 1000$ in debt to
> cover her *urgent* expenses (car registration, cellphone bills) on a
> promise of immediate repayment but which were reimbursed only when the
> boyfriend covered them recently.
> She completely wrecked a good omelette pan I had by leaving it on the
> heat so the non-stick coating burned off, and yesterday she wrecked my
> pizza stone by a) putting a frozen pizza on the stone in a cold oven and
> turning the heat on, causing the stuff to bake onto the surface, and b)
> by taking the stone out with the pizza on it and cutting the pizza on the
> stone with a serrated edge knife, causing deep gouges in the surface. Of
> course, my wife thinks that you use a pair of kitchen scissors to cut a
> pizza so there's no surprise there.
> This is just the tip of it. There are other constantly recurring
> annoyances, like heating burritos in the microwave at 2AM which causes
> the entire house to smell of food, leaving doors unlocked all night after
> she goes out for a cigarette, letting the cats out after dark, clomping
> around the house in what I can only assume are army boots (if they come
> in high heels...we don't have carpets because of allergies) at all hours
> of the day or night, and monopolizing the bathroom for 45 minutes every
> weekday morning. I have asked her to set a time, she does and I try to
> work around it, but then she changes it without warning...and of course,
> it's my fault :-|
> And she makes I have to have supper ready at 5h45 on Sundays
> so the granddaughter can be home at her father's by 7. I won't go into
> the rest of them but there is one thing she seems to ignore. She is not
> paying rent, largely because she was without income for a long time. We
> didn't put any pressure on her to pony up a part of the rent, but I'm
> tempted to present her with a bill when she leaves. At least she bought
> the bulk of her own food.
> So she is moving back into the house we bought for her and her daughter
> to live in (the BF is guaranteeing the rent and he is good for it) and
> she will be taking in roommates. Also, the BF will be back up from New
> York permanently in September.
> If you think (for some godsforsaken reason) that I'm being unfair to her,
> let me just say that my wife is also looking forward to the day we get
> our house back.

When I was young I decided I would not have any children because I knew
I would not have been a good father. People told me I would live to
regret that decision, but I am 60 now and they were wrong..... no
regrets at all.

Congratulations on your impending freedom.

George L